Feminine Psychology

Sigmund Freud wrote:
"Despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, I have not been able to answer... the great question that has never been answered: what does a woman want?" It may be that he was asking the wrong question, but his failure to find an answer has not deterred others from exploring the unfathomable depths of the feminine psyche. The Jungian school have provided some of the most relevant material for modern times, and virtually all of my recommendations in this field spring directly or indirectly from that source.

Estes women run wolves
Women who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Truly a life-changing book for women, and a powerful introduction for men wishing to deepen their understanding of feminine psychology. This is a rich treasure-trove of stories that illuminate the process of initiation through the stages of womanhood, brought to life by the author who is both storyteller and psychologist. A book to be savoured, re-read at intervals, and digested slowly.

Woodman Leaving fathers house
Leaving my Father's House: A Journey to Conscious Femininity by Marion Woodman
Woodman is the analyst and three of her clients provide the material for this in-depth exploration of what the author calls 'conscious femininity'. It is not an easy read, but if you're prepared to work through the material gradually a new kind of understanding seems to emerge. It is the kind of book that has a profound effect on you even if you can't describe in words what is happening.

Johnson She
She: Understanding Feminine Psychology by Robert Johnson
Johnson's slim volumes are homeopathic in the sense that he says a lot with a few words. He also manages to convey a depth of understanding and meaning to the reader with only a minimum dose of psychological jargon, unlike most of his Jungian colleagues. For me he is one of the few male authors who can speak authentically about feminine psychology.

Murdock Heroine's journey
The Heroine's Journey: Woman's Quest for Wholeness by Maureen Murdock
Taking a cue from Joseph Campbell's depiction of the Hero Journey, the author describes the same process in terms of its relevance to contemporary women. Integrating the inner masculine, healing the mother/daughter split, resolving the career/home dilemma - these and many other themes are discussed and brought to consciousness.

Perera Descent Goddess
Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Women by Sylvia Brinton Perera
Using the mythic tale of Innana-Ishtar's descent to the underworld as the backdrop, the author brings these ancient images to life in modern language. The 'descent' is an archetypal process, and was traditionally a part of the goddess wisdom to be found in numerous ancient traditions. This earth-mother moon-goddess aspect of the human psyche is reasserting itself now in a time of societal breakdown and ecological decay.