‘When Ian first told me that everyone holds within them whatever they might need for their own self-healing, this was a revelation to me at the time, having spent many years searching for answers through psychiatry, psychology, and counselling.

From the individual sessions with Ian, I learned to ‘let things happen, or let them be’, and that it was okay to feel any sort of emotion, happy or sad. It was enough to simply acknowledge these feelings and allow them to emerge as they wanted to, without always needing to ‘do’ anything with them.

Gradually, the doors from my childhood through to the present day were unlocked, and I was able to open each one individually in my own time, with Ian there as a constant support. I am forever grateful for Ian’s patience and guidance throughout this process. Whenever I felt unable to move in any direction, he reminded me to ‘let the muddy waters settle’, to ‘sit with it for a while’, and helped me to return to where I needed to be in order to go forward again.

I also learnt that my dreams hold the key to who I am, where I am going, and who I am in the process of becoming. I learnt to trust what I already knew inside, but sometimes chose to ignore. And no matter what I shared with Ian, I never felt judged by him at all. Any guidance he offered was always positive and encouraging, pointing me in the direction that I was already moving.

The following quote from Carl Jung reminds me of Ian and his work, and how much he has helped me and taught me.’

“An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.”

Trish Raven, London, U.K.

'It is difficult to categorise or summarise what Ian does but I think that is why it is so beneficial – it is individual. He has no agenda and no expectation, he offers no analysis or judgment, he simply creates the space for you to ‘be’ and explore that ‘being’. To facilitate this, Ian has the ability to remain so still that every emotion exposed, every issue explored is imbued with a sense of being ‘OK’. This is both reassuring and liberating.

Consultations with Ian have been most effective for me when I know I need to do something but am not sure what and my usual solutions have failed. I thought I knew myself well but working with Ian has revealed belief systems and patterns of behaviour I didn’t know I had! The insights I have gained from this process have transformed the way I respond to daily issues and given me the freedom to embrace life with renewed energy, trusting that I will be given exactly what I need, when I need it.'

Sally Beazley-Long, Kent, U.K.

'Ian was recommended to me by a friend at a time when I was struggling to find a sense of direction to my life. I was stuck in a loop of knowing what I wanted to make happen in my life, and yet repeating painful old patterns and mistakes which obviously weren't going to help me move on. I'd intellectualised, and talked endlessly about past events and experiences, but didn't realise how attached, even addicted, I was to the roller coaster of a life I'd manufactured for myself. I didn't appreciate that staying on this ride was actually my decision as it gave me tremendous highs, which unfortunately were outweighed by tremendous lows.

Working with Ian was truly a transformational experience for me. By breaking my habit of talking, talking, talking and moving on to actually feeling and addressing the key issues which were gripping me, my decisions became very clear. What I had to lose and what I had to gain through integrating what my heart was telling me also became very clear to me. With Ian's support, I learned a new way of experiencing the world, and - being able to listen to my true self, which was a big discovery. I began to put that into practice and found myself changing in relation to others and, more importantly, in relation to myself.

I highly recommend Ian as someone who can help to light the path of your life's journey with you, so you can find the courage to walk it. But remember, the decisions at the key junctions are still all yours!!'

Fiona, Manchester, U.K.